Category Archives: End of democracy

Racism and other distractions

I don’t like racism, I’m not for it, but the racial theatre playing out in Sweden just now is pathetic Swedish crap.

The SD party, one of the largest, goes and puts up ads in the underground telling tourists how sorry they are that visitors have to step over beggars wherever they go. SD promises to improve the situation when they get into power.

This set everyone off. Radical lefties tore the ads down. They called the ads racist and anti -foreigner.

And they other commentators called for people to stop commenting because it would only encourage people. And not to pull the posters down because that meant you were against free speech. Or to pull them down that means you are against fascism.

And if you need evidence of how the media circus works in general read this from the UK.

What a mess. But in the mess there are some interesting things.

If you are against the ads, does that mean you think people should be on the streets begging? YES. All the other parties  – all they could come up with was that “these people are suffering it is inhuman of the nasty SD party to talk about removing them from the streets. We (nice people of the other parties) think begging is OK.

THAT my friends is how far the crap has come in Sweden. All parties (except the far right) think that people should be allowed to beg, that is the best they can come up with.

How about there is something fundamentally wrong with a society that has a shit load of rich people, a healthy economy and you STILL fall over beggars wherever you go (some of them are Swedish homeless). NOT A WORD about fundamental failings here thank you. Rather,

We are more humane that that fascist party SD because we let people beg

The other crap thing about the SD debacle is that people are warning of parallels to Hitler’s rise where his party went from nothing to being the largest party because ordinary people did nothing.

Swedes are scared of a right wing party that at least in their official manifesto has only had the indecency to point out that Swedish society has not built the capability to receive the number of immigrants and refugees that it is currently taking in, and that Swedish problems ( 300,000 children undernourished and living in poverty just in the capital alone) are exacerbated by this influx.

So who should we be afraid of? Look,  fascism is about control of society by large organisations. It is a form of corporatism. SD is far more right than that, having libertarian leanings. Out with the eight families that control Sweden, out with the foreign multi-nationals that buy up Swedish companies and sell Chinese crap based on slave labour back to us.

Fascism is actually what SD are fighting against – the control of big business that is constantly whispering in the ear of Swedish politicians telling them what and what not to do. These politicians are so cozy with the ruling financial elite – the Swedish Prime Minister is an old union boss so he knows all about cozying up to capital – and he went to the recent Bilderburg group meeting in Denmark to get his orders.

It’s like everywhere else. There is a crap debate going on in Sweden fed by crap journalist using crap arguments throwing around stupid ideas like fascism and racism when the real nasty stuff is going on completely out of sight of the Swedish people and press.

Swedish society is being ruined by the elite families that live off the consumption of Swedish residents. They are instructing Swedish politicians to introduce austerity and stir up racism. If it is true then these people are parasites and don’t care. They must have a bigger game on the go.

And that, friends, is what Swedes should be afraid of, the hand that took Sweden from being one of the most egalitarian economies on earth to a racist, segregated mess. Not the politicians of the far right, but the invisible hand on the shoulder of the others.

For my international friends



This picture explains how things work in Sweden. The banks, owned by a scheming elite are engineering a collapse of Swedish society. (Hope it’s not in the middle of winter with minus 20 and no heating or food.)

At the same time their PR men, think tanks, contacts etc manipulated through fear or favor (most of them think they are very clever, and that’s why they get the salaries they do)  feed the political parties with the right messages to communicate whilst running in the completely opposite direction.

We will be able to follow the Swedish elections next year, and fascinated follow the slick manipulation of messages and the almost invisible cloud of fear or favor that seems to stop all sensible debate in this brain-dead country.




Conspiracy theories destroying democracy? BBC unwittingly gives answer

COnspiracyThe BBC asks in jolly academic sort of way if democracy is being destroyed by conspiracy theories whilst reporting on the the US bugging German Leader Angela Merkel’s phone.

This tells me that democracy, in the sense of the word that goes beyond putting a cross in a box to perpetuate the system, is already destroyed if indeed it ever existed.

The best way to hide anything is to do it openly in plain sight. And it is totally plain that we are heading for a world of billionaires and tramps, an elite and an underclass. Here is the proof. We discuss the possible end of democracy whilst it is obvious what we are living in. If you look beyond your preconceptions.