Category Archives: Urbanisation project

Sweden overpopulated

Opening their arms to immigrants like some new age community housemother, Sweden is  rapidly becoming the land where you fall over beggars every 12 feet.

No only that it is overpopulated already. Unlike its neighbors in Northern Europe, Sweden has far more people in it than its fragile nature can bear. With limited sunlight, poor soils and no fossil fuels whatsoever (they gave their North Sea oil rights away over a dinner meeting) they are reliant on imports of food, fuel and phosphorus.

The forest doesn’t grow fast enough to make enough wood for them to burn to keep warm, the rivers don’t run fast enough to make electricity, and the sun isn’t warm enough to grow the food they need.

They are in big trouble. But they won’t admit it. Thinking about restricting immigration is seen as racist here. Falling over beggars is the furthest their humanity stretches.

Google translate this article, it has all the facts.

Research shows researchers are paid to promote the starvation agenda

The elite, consciously or unconsciously, are doing their best to follow an agenda that will put people on the planet into starvation. And Sweden is leading the way. That’s what it looks like from where I am standing. I would love to be proven wrong. The latest report from the unaware academics at IVL – the Swedish Environmental Research Unit – does little to change my view.
Don’t get me ranting on WHY they are driving this agenda – let’s just stick to what we can observe – THAT they are doing it.
First, you need to understand the starvation Agenda:
If you wanted to put people into a starvation situation what would you do?
1) Decimate local production
2) Change their diet so they are not used to eating that which is available locally
3) Take over certification schemes to dupe people into thinking they were doing the right thing
4) Make environmental issues misleadingly about one single thing, like climate change
5) Remove all knowledge of how to produce food locally
6) Remove all tools and seeds
7) Make it illegal to produce or distribute food yourself
8) Herd people into cities far away from food production facilities

Let’s start with (1) In order to make people starve you have to decimate local food production and instead rely on systems that transport food long distances. When (not if) fossil fuel sources dwindle, food becomes unavailable and local production is unable to get going because it has been decimated. The soil is not ready and the methods are not there.
In order to decimate local production you have to convince people that it is better to produce elsewhere. You have to find many arguments so it is first nature to not buy local.
Here are some of the arguments propagated. I am not saying any of them are wrong in themselves. That is what is so insidious. The arguments can be right, but behind them is a vile, inhuman agenda.
1) We are a rich country. Buying food from far off helps the poor farmers get an income and that helps prosperity.
2) The food grows better in sunny places. It is more effective to grow food there than (for example) use fossil fuels to boost production in a cold country.

The other track (2) is to get people to change their diet. If, for example, they get to be totally averse to that which grows locally, or is easily produced locally the elite’s agenda is working. In this case, let’s take Sweden: it’s a huge country, bitterly cold in winter (in the south it’s the wind that will chill you to the bone) but relatively sparsely populated, with forest land between settlements.

In a country like this, (potatoes, apples etc don’t grow up north) eating animals as a source of protein is a possibility. There are a lot of wild animals, moose, deer, wild boar etc, and it is possible to keep cows and sheep by harvesting hay to see them through the winter.
So the agenda is  to convince Swedes that eating meat is bad for the environment.
The (3) third tactic is to take over certification schemes. This would mean that you would have, say, an environmental certification scheme (this food is good for the environment) that makes the commercial system and food habits locked into habits that replace local food.
So, let us look at the major conclusions from the latest report. Honestly, tell me, does it not look like something that has been “ordered” by the agenda – driven elite?
Sustainability suddenly becomes climate change, meat becomes industrially-produced beef, environmental become KRAV certified food and the dependence on long transport chains no problem whatsoever.

We concluded that from a climate perspective it is more important to focus on what we eat rather than whether it is locally grown, has been transported a long distance , or how the food item was produced.

Åström, Roth,Wranne, Jelse, Lindblad. Food consumption choices and climate change, IVL Report B20 2013

Of course, on facebook and other social media you get a meme travelling round that meat is bad and it’s better to eat certified food rather than local food.

Surprise surprise! Research suddenly shows it is better to eat certified food from far off than meat from close by.

Wake up Swedes you are being fed crap! MY research shows it is better to trust your own judgement than peer-reviewed crap served up by academics on a salary.

The research of course does not really support the view is says it does either. The research compares apples and pears because the researchers were, through fear or favour, or simply being unconscious, steered into producing this product.

I really hope the academics tear it to bits. Oh, I forgot, that won’t happen as the academics are also on elite payrolls.

The decimation of rural areas continues – even in Britain

As exposed in my last piece, possibly due to being half brain dead, the Swedish elite, from bankers to planners to government agencies are herding people into cities. At the same time they are driving for a system change that makes rural areas uninhabitable except for outposts of large resource hungry industrial complexes.

Believe me, the system will tip, it will tip to a point where moving to rural areas will be out of the question as there will be no service available there. The vision of Brave New World and even 1984 appears, with only the outcasts living outside the city.

It is happening in Britain too, as the limey paper the Guardian is reporting.

Up to now this has been unheard of: the British right wing have always been promoters of rural life, in contrast to Labour who are decidedly metropolitan.





Swedish master plan: depopulate rural areas, herd people into cities

The plan is to go the same way as the USA and herd Swedes into cities. By 2050, 90% of the population (what is left of it) will live in urbanized areas concentrated to the planned holding areas I reveal later in this article.

Unless Swedes very quickly take control of this situation themselves at  local level, they will find themselves in the slums, treated like the cattle the elite see them as.

The agenda speaks for itself and is being run by a load of people with good intentions who are being duped by their human-being hating intellectual, cold hearted technocrats to suit their own agenda which in turn is being orchestrated by those who pull the strings of the UN.

Here are some of the symptoms:

The train service is being readied: only the elite will drive cars. This graph shows the planned reduction of fuel use (Light blue)


Whilst extending the commuter train to the city of Uppsala north of Stockholm, they are closing down the station of Gnesta, to the west, that has been served by the commuter train for years. At the same time, the end of the commuter line at the Uppsala end, Märsta is likely to see its service slashed or dropped completely as the urbanization plans go ahead.

Train services in the South of Sweden, the areas set aside for the Swedish “herd”, are on the other hand, excellent, with Oresund trains running regularly from north of Copenhagen, over the bridge to Kalmar in the East and to Växsjö in the  middle of Sweden.

The phone and Internet service are being cut back.

Yes it is true, the copper wire service is being taken away, replaced by the cheaper but poorer service from the mobile network. In the target compound areas, of course, broadband, fibre optics etc is being provided at a reasonable cost.

The gas stations are being closed

In many rural areas gas stations are closing, making it very expensive to drive to the nearest gas station. This is making like difficult for those living in remote areas, having to plan every trip.

Planning rules being tightened

It has got to the stage now where you can not get planning permission to build in places other than those with good service already.  The urban places shall become denser. Other places shall be left to decay.

The flow of capital from the countryside

I read some reports recently that the structure of the banking system means that money flows from rural areas into the cities but not the opposite.

The closing of banks in rural areas has highly adverse effects on the starting up and development of rural businesses. This is borne out by this researcher

Living Local Economies – Mikaela Backman

The General narrative is one of herding people together.

The authorities, consciously or more likely unconsciously are pushing the agenda. Just see the picture from the Boverket , Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning


Mostly hi-rise, connected by rail.

The narrative is compounded by these images from  the Swedish research body Vinnova that draws the country by size of population.


sakna gröntområde

Proportion of urban population that lacks green space within 300 meters of the dwelling. Towns with more than 10 000 inhabitants, 2005

This image above shows town dwellers who do not have a green areas in short walking distance. This diagram shows that despite Sweden being a large country with a lot of green space, it denies its residents the pleasure of being close to it.

Finally the last picture shows the largest dense populations, exactly in the holding area I identified earlier.


Unless the Swedish people take direct action soon, they will, as I said risk being herded even further by their cold-hearted controllers into cities and towns that are looking more like slums every day.